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Database Providers

Database is an integral part of any application. DOM Cloud provides a free, opt-in OS-Wide MariaDB 10.11 and PostgreSQL 16.4 database instance for every website in every tier.

Initializing the Database

Databases is opt-in, disabled by default. To enable it, go to deploy tab and execute one of these:

- mysql
- postgresql

See the section in MariaDB or PostgreSQL for more information.

To view and edit the database using online tools, use PhpMyAdmin or PhpPgAdmin. Both available from manage tab.


You can't create or drop database from PhpMyAdmin, PhpPgAdmin or any external database client. You have to do that from Webmin UI or deployment script.

Using the Database

After activating the database, you can provide the database credentials to your app:

  • Hostname: localhost (because the database always live in the same server)
  • Username: Same username with server (see from manage tab)
  • Password: Same password with server (see from manage tab)
  • Database name: Usually username with suffix + _db unless you've created another DB
    • For example with username hello-world then database name will be hello_world_db
    • Check the correct database name from PhpMyAdmin or PhpPgAdmin

Username and password is always different from the default. Don't assume root username with empty password will work for you.

Remote Access

Remote Access is used to manage databases using your local software -- such as DBeaver, HeidiSQL or TablePlus.

PostgreSQL permits remote access by default.

MySQL is more grained and doesn't allow remote access by default. You need to change it by go to the Webmin -> Databases -> Remote access then add %.%.%.% and %:%:% (next line above localhost) to allowed hosts list.


When connecting with Remote Access, the hostname is your website domain or the server's IP address, not localhost.


Our server always sets the clock in UTC.

A good idea to handle timezone is done by client processing (Javascript), both after getting the data from database/AJAX and before sending data/Posts to server.

If you don't care about timezone and you think it's safe to assume that your website is only accessed in one timezone, you can set the timezone in the backend using date_default_timezone_set for PHP or TZ env for non-PHP (set it to passenger's env_var_list).

Supported PostgreSQL Extensions

These optional PostgreSQL extensions can be activated using CREATE EXTENSION clause on a given database:

Extension NameDescriptionLink
btree_ginProvides support for GIN (Generalized Inverted Index) indexing for B-tree data types.Documentation
btree_gistProvides support for GiST (Generalized Search Tree) indexing for B-tree data types.Documentation
citextA case-insensitive text data type extension.Documentation
cubeProvides data types and functions to support multidimensional cubes.Documentation
dict_intProvides an example dictionary template for integers.Documentation
earthdistanceProvides functions for calculating great-circle distances between points on the Earth's surface.Documentation
fuzzystrmatchProvides functions to perform "fuzzy" string matching, including soundex and levenshtein distance.Documentation
hstoreA key-value store within PostgreSQL, allowing you to store sets of key/value pairs within a single PostgreSQL value.Documentation
intarrayProvides support for indexed arrays of integers.Documentation
isnProvides data types for various international standard numbers, such as ISBN, ISMN, and ISSN.Documentation
loProvides support for large objects within PostgreSQL.Documentation
ltreeProvides a data type for representing labels of data stored in a hierarchical tree-like structure.Documentation
pgcryptoProvides cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL, including encryption, decryption, hashing, and more.Documentation
pg_trgmProvides functions and operators for determining the similarity of text based on trigram matching.Documentation
plpgsqlPostgreSQL's procedural language for SQL, allowing for control structures, complex calculations, and error handling in SQL scripts.Documentation
segProvides a "seg" data type for representing line segments in two-dimensional space.Documentation
tablefuncProvides functions for manipulating tables, such as crosstab functions.Documentation
tcnProvides support for Triggered Change Notification, allowing for notification of changes in the database.Documentation
tsm_system_rowsA table sampling method that returns a specified number of rows.Documentation
tsm_system_timeA table sampling method that returns rows from a table based on the system time.Documentation
unaccentProvides a dictionary and function to remove accents (diacritics) from strings.Documentation
uuid-osspProvides functions to generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).Documentation
pg_uuidv7Provides support for UUID version 7, a new type of universally unique identifier.Documentation
postgisA spatial database extender for PostgreSQL, providing support for geographic objects.Documentation
postgis_rasterExtends PostGIS with raster data support, allowing the storage, query, and analysis of raster data types.Documentation
postgis_sfcgalExtends PostGIS with advanced 3D capabilities provided by the SFCGAL library.Documentation
postgis_tiger_geocodersProvides geocoding functions using the U.S. Census TIGER/Line data.Documentation
postgis_topologyExtends PostGIS with topology support, allowing the representation of topological structures.Documentation
address_standardizerStandardizes address data for geocoding purposes.Documentation
address_standardizer_data_usProvides US address data for the address standardizer extension.Documentation
pgroutingExtends PostGIS with geospatial routing functionality.Documentation
timescaledbAn extension that provides scalable time-series data management built on PostgreSQL.Documentation
vectorA vector data type extension, useful for implementing machine learning models and similar functionalities.Documentation

Other Database System

Only three database system is supported: MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite. For caching we recommend you to leverage filesystem.

You can also use third party databases that's also cheap (or even free) such as Redis Labs, Firebase Firestore or MongoDB Atlas, just make sure the cluster is close enough within our server.

If you wish to spin up a custom database server, you might be better deploy your website using docker.