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Updating OS Across Servers

· 3 min read
Wildan Mubarok
Creator of DOM Cloud

DOM Cloud runs with Rocky Linux 8, which was migrated from CentOS 8 from sometime ago. Rocky Linux 9.1 is available since about three months ago, and I think it's matured enough to update the OS.

This update brings modern versions into system packages, notably PHP from 7.4 to 8.0, Node.js from 14 to 16, Python from 3.6 to 3.9, and many more. This update also fixes some parts of the system that is not working properly, such as the WebSSH service which was broken in some servers.

We would like to highlight some other major updated for the last three months:

New Server in France

Available since January, this eliminates latency issues for European users who plan to use our services. It gains enough upvotes in the issue page and as of today there are dozens of websites hosted in this server.

As of this writing, there are 3 servers in total, each one in Asia, Europe, and North America. There are no plan to add more servers in the near future, as probably additional budget will be allocated to increase computational power instead. Time will tell.

Force Recalculation of Disk Usage

Since limit enforcement is based on disk usage is running since three months ago... some of our users wondering if there's a way to instantly recalculate the disk usage, as it's not updated automatically (takes schedule about 3 days to update). We have added a button to force recalculation of disk usage via a new button in bottom right of the Team page.

It is useful if you already run out of disk space and has deleted some files, so the website can be accessed again.

To analyze which files are taking up the most disk space, you can use the ncdu command. It's available in all servers, and you can run it via SSH.

Country Input Field

As you can see from above screenshot, we have added a new field in the Team page to specify the country of your team. This is mostly used for analytics purpose, as we can see which country has the most users, and better features tailored for them.

There's also input for currency (for payment purposes) and default server, which automatically selected based on selected country during the first login.

Pricing Adjustments

We keep adjust pricing based on total usage and demand. As of today, the price tag is changed as follows:

  • Lite plan: from 3 USD/month to 1.5 USD/month
  • Kit plan: from 10 USD/month to 5 USD/month
  • Pro plan: from 25 USD/month to 12.5 USD/month

This price change is already reflected in other currencies as well. So the difference in value should be small. We hope a lot of users will be able to get on board faster with our services with this competitive price change.

Other Niche Features

Although is still a work in progress, we have improved small things incrementally, such as the documentation and the website itself. There's also features requests that has been backlogged for a long time. We'll get there in time!

That's all for this update. We hope you enjoy our services, and we'll see you in the next update!